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Dr. Xiaobo Chao   arrow

Dr. Xiaobo Chao obtained his Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, China, in 1995.  After receiving his Ph.D., he worked at the Key State Laboratory of Coastal & Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, as a postdoctoral fellow for two years.  Subsequently, he joined the National University of Singapore as an NSTB Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Fellow.  Dr. Chao’s research interests are focused in the field of Environmental Hydraulics and Computational Hydraulics, with special emphasis on modeling of hydrodynamics, water quality, chemical and oil spills, sediment transport and environmental risk analysis for lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. He has developed three dimensional water quality and pollutant transport modules.  He also developed a 3D multi-level turbulence tidal model and an oil spill model.  Playing a leading role, he has participated in research projects sponsored by government agencies for engineering applications.  He is currently a member of ASCE and IAHR, and a reviewer for various journals.